What your child will need

Please make sure that your child is dressed in clothing suitable for the various activities at pre-school. They will go outside in all weathers to play and explore. In the summer, please include a sun hat and apply sun-cream to your child before pre-school.

Most children wear the pre-school uniform - an order form will be in your welcome pack. Children do not have to wear the uniform, but it does save their good clothes and having to decide what to wear each day. We can get very messy!

Footwear, in particular, must be safe, as your child might be playing on a climbing frame and slide, sit and ride toys or use our colourful parachute. Closed in shoes are a must to save them getting scrapped when playing racing games or caught when using climbing equipment. We request that all children bring/wear plimsolls or soft soled trainers.

Please label all clothing including coats, hats and shoes as children do not always recognise their own things!

If your child has pierced ears, please ensure that they only wear stud style earrings to pre-school. No other jewelry is permitted.

We do not allow dummies in pre-school as they impede communication and speech development. We also encourage limiting bringing special toys from home as they are easily lost.